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Doing Business with NID

NID is a driver in the economies of Nevada and Placer counties. The District purchases a wide range of services, products, and equipment from local suppliers and contractors. Suppliers who want to do business with NID are invited to call or visit the NID Purchasing Department, meet our friendly staff, and provide your card and business information. Please call for an appointment. The District also is active in the local construction industry, with water improvement projects of all sizes on the drawing boards and in development. Many projects are completed by local contractors under contract with the District. Contractors who wish to do business with the District are invited to submit their qualifications to the NID Engineering Dept, which follows a select contractor quotation process.  Larger contracts are awarded by the NID Board of Directors.

Surplus Equipment Auction

NID disposes of surplus and obsolete equipment on a regular basis.  Items that are no longer usable, operable, or do not meet current safety standards are often sold at public auction (Bar None Auctions: Other surplus items are donated to nonprofit organizations, donated as e-waste, recycled, or disposed of at the landfill.


None at this time.


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