Ag & Urban Water Management Plans
2020 Urban Water Management Plan
The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) Board of Directors approved its 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) on July 14, 2021, and it has been submitted to the State’s Department of Water Resources.
The UWMP includes information such as a description of reliability of supplies, projected supplies, and the strategy for meeting water needs, a description of the existing and planned supply sources, estimates of past, present and projected water use, a 5-year Drought Risk Assessment, and a description of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan/Conservation Program.
To view the final UWMP, click on the link below.
2020 Urban Water Management Plan
2020 Urban Water Management Plan Appendices
2020 Agricultural Water Management Plan
The NID Board of Directors approved its 2020 Agricultural Water Management Plan (AWMP) on April 14, 2021, and it has been submitted to the State’s Department of Water Resources.
The report includes information about NID’s roughly 5,600 agricultural customers such as past water usage, conservation efforts, and other management elements.
About ninety percent of all the water delivered by NID is for agricultural use giving life to approximately 32,000 acres of irrigated land in Nevada and Placer Counties. Most agricultural water customers purchase water seasonally, from mid-April through mid-October. NID’s raw water is conveyed to customers through a unique network of over 500 miles of canal. The ag water is used to grow multiple crops including wine grapes, nursery stock, apples, rice, plums, citrus, grass, alfalfa hay, as well as to irrigate pasture.
To view the final AWMP, click on the link below.
2020 Agricultural Water Management Plan
2020 Agricultural Water Management Plan Appendices

You can review NID’s previous plans by clicking on the report below: